Introduced in the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show that is rife with electric and hybrid cars that carmakers want to cash in on. Among all these cars that are vying to be the next "big thing of the auto world" which is a big deal. more
Toyota is expanding the application of its hydrogen fuel cell to semi-trucks. more
The Toyota Mirai is a hydrogen fuel cell sedan that runs With water-based emission. more
Toyota has announced a recall of around 2,840 of its Mirai fuel cell cars due to a defect in the vehicle's fuel cell system. more
In order to challenge the Toyota Mirai for the fuel-cell market, Hyundai has revealed that it is currently working on a next-gen bespoke hydrogen powered car. But now it seems Hyundai itself is jumping to the fray to take on its rivals. more
Japanese newspaper Nikkei reported on Monday that in a striking break from tradition, Toyota Motor Corp. is exploring the possiblity of mass-shipping long-range electric cars to the public by 2020. Despite competition like Nissan, Volkswagen and Tesla rallying behind electric vehicle production, Toyota has shown reluctance, sticking to its hydrogen fuel cell cars. more
Glenn Rambach, from Sacramento, has become the first person in the U.S. to own the 2016 Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel-cell sedan. more
Toyota is set on giving all of its drivers environmentally-friendly vehicles, announcing at a press conference Wednesday that it plans on cutting all of its gas-powered cars from its fleet by 2050. more
Japan's capital will hold 6,000 fuel-cell vehicles by the 2020 Olympics. more
Toyota's assembly plant in Georgetown, Ky., will be partially powered by electricity from converted methane gas. more