Those wondering if a tricycle would ever be able to travel as fast as a car may soon see that idea become a reality. more
The wooden roadster comes in three boxes of parts and can purportedly be put together in less than a day. more
The Kickstarter project works through the power of repelling magnets to allow its rider to hover in the air. more
A new project has mapped cat images around the world using geographic data attached to each photo. more
A new company claims to be developing a drone detection system to protect your privacy from unauthorized drones. more
Kickstarter has relaxed its project guidelines in a change that pits it against Indiegogo. more
LeVar Burton has launched a Kickstarter campaign to put "Reading Rainbow" on the web for families and schools. more
The six-legged OutRunner robot can reach speeds of 20 mph. more
Otto, a new Kickstarter project, is a camera that can film GIFs and send them to your phone through an app. more