Jomar Teves

Are Apple's New Wireless Airpods Worth It? Knowing The Pros And Cons

Apple unveiled its new and revolutionary wireless headphones, the Airpods. With the unveiling of the new iPhone 7, consumers have had a mix of criticisms about it, mostly negative. Some say that it is an impractical innovation, while some say that it is an innovative improvement. more

All-New 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback Is Finally Unveiled; Latest Updates On Features, Specs And More Will Surely Captivate Everyone

The all new Honda Civic is about to make a grand return, as the Hatchback model looks as sleek as ever. This will surely captivate everyone especially when they get to know the features and specs. The all new 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback is really a marvel. more

Pokemon GO' News: PokeVision Will Return For Good; Best Third-Party Tracking Apps for the Game

'Pokemon GO' is still pretty much alive and well, as it is once again introducing the return of PokeVision. This will make the whole gaming experience of 'Pokemon GO' more intuitive and exciting. more

Uber Debuts Self-Diriving Cars in Pittsbrugh; How Will This Affect Drivers, Cabs In City?

Uber has started debuting self-driving cars in Pittsburgh and is all on their way towards success in terms of the autonomous driving dream. This innovative move will greatly affect the streets in Pittsburgh, which will now feature a lot more driverless cars than any other place in the US. This achievement puts Uber ahead of all self-driving car-producing companies like Google, Apple, Tesla, and others. more

iPhone 8 Projected To Have No Home Button

Theories are spreading about the upcoming iPhone 8 design that features the complete removal of the Home Button. more

NASCAR Reveals New Pre-Race Policies That Will Change The Game Forever

The NASCAR Sprint Cup never be the same again. more

'Pokemon GO' Update Leaves Rooted, Jailbroken Phones Banned; Players Demand Immediate Refund

As 'Pokemon GO' plans for a resurgence with their latest update, they are met with a multitude of complaints, particularly by players with rooted phones. more

Florida Man's MacBook Burst Into Flames; Apple Product To Blame?

A man from Florida was astonished as his MacBook Caught Flame and was destroyed. Upon investingation, it was found that his Macbook was using Batteries Plus instead of the standard battery for MacBooks. The incident just confirms the sensitivity of Apple products when used by unauthorized batteries. more

Why iOS 10 Is The Coolest iOS Ever Made; Here are some Reasons

iOS 10 is probably the best Apple OS that the company has ever made, and with its recent release, people can enjoy the latest features and tweaks that Apple made and incorporated to make it different from other former iOS versions. more

League of Legends Has 100 Million Monthy Players; Riot's Flagship Game Going Stronger

League of Legends is still the undisputed king of MOBAs. This statement can be backed up by Riot games after they have confirmed that there are over 100 million concurrent players playing LoL in a month. more

Nintendo Fans Are Going Crazy With The Nintendo NX Reveal; Features, Latest Updates And More

Nintendo fans rejoiced as the company they adore the most have finally given information about the release of the latest Nintendo NX. Specs, features, and the latest updates are constantly being discussed throughout the internet and people just can't wait for the new console to be released. more

Alpine Sports Car Prototype Photos Leaked, Better Than Porsche Cayman?

Photos posted online leaks Alpines newest sports car prototype that is yet to be revealed to the general public. more

500,000 Electric Vehicles Sold In United States, A Milestone Towards EV Revolution

The United States and Plug In America are celebrating its milestone of having 500,000 electric vehicles sold. more

BMW To Compete With Tesla On EV Breakthrough, Updates and More

Will BMW soon emerge as the carmaker who will give Tesla a run for its money? more

Faulty Battery For Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Might Scar Company's Reputation

Can Samsung bounce back from its recent exploding Galaxy Note 7 controversy? more

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