‘Pokemon GO’ Update: Niantic To Conduct Mini Events For New Gen 2 Monsters And Eggs?

Feb 20, 2017 11:16 AM EST | Ed Saludes

What's coming up next for fans of "Pokemon GO"? Niantic has just sent out a new message teasing the next big update for the location-based augmented reality mobile game. This latest development will see the release of more monsters, which are speculated to arrive over the coming months.

PC-Tablet reported on a massive Pokemon GO update that happened by the end of last week. According to the article, new Pokemon such as Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita, which all comes from the region of Pokemon Gold and Silver's Johto, would be released in the wild. The update also included new Berries such as Nanab and Pinap.

Last week's Pokemon GO update also brought a range of characters customization options. Now players can buy more shirts, hats, pants, and other items using real money. Players can spend $10 on a hat in Pokemon GO.

Now fans are surmising that more monsters and eggs will come in clusters, with more mini events. This could be a great strategy for Niantic to perk up the interest of fans by hatching just some of Pokemon at a time.

The February 16 announcement on the website of Niantic outlined the release notes and comments from its development team. Some of them include the availability of gender-specific variations of select Pokemon, the addition of new encounter mechanics, and the inclusion of new avatar outfit and accessory items.

Pokemon GO has now a new night-mode map and encounter music. Players can have bonus Candies for catching Evolved Pokemon.

The update was made for version 0.57.2 for Android and 1.27.2 for iOS. It also implemented Apple Watch connection stability improvement. Various bug fixes are also made while minor test fixes are offered.

The video below discusses latest developments in Pokemon GO. Share your thoughts on the article in the comment section.

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