Conan Exile PC Error Fix And DRM Free Version With No Anti-Tamper Tech Discussed

Feb 02, 2017 07:51 AM EST | Jayde Marvynne Zamora

Conan Exile is now available on Steam, and interested players can now enjoy the open-world survival game of Conan the Barbarian. Since the said release is only the early access of the game numerous complaints regarding freezing, crashing, poor FPS performance and other gaming issues arise. Also, pirates have successfully generated a DRM free version without the anti-tamper technology of Conan Exile.

Thanks to Gamepur, common PC Error fixing solution for Keybind, server error, black screen start-up, and other issues is now available for everybody. Basically, all step-by-step procedure is posted on the source website. It may require a lot of focus since the instructions are directed to editing vital game files.

For (1) Keybinds not saving issue, change the assigned key to the preferred key to use. Remember, this fix is temporary and could cause game breaking. (2) No Servers issue, make sure that Combat and Communist list is set to All, and the Filter is set to "The Internet." (3) Black Screen Issue, restarting the game is the only solution because of hardware and minimum specification. Since the other issues require a lot of characters, please click here.

In other news, a lot of fans were disappointed when Funcom decided to use Denuvo anti-tamper tech for Conan Exile. The anti-tamper technology prevents debugging or cracking games. It reverses engineering and changing of executable files for a much secure game system. But, pirates seem to have won again. A DRM-Free Version without Denuvo Anti-tamper Conan Exile leaked online.

The said news came from DSO gaming who claims that the pirated content is available online. The DRM-free version supports private servers which allow players to play with other gamers who have the same version. Pirated version will not be posted since it is considered illegal.

What are your thoughts about Conan Exile? Share it in the comment section below.

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