Futurists would like to have a world where everything is done with AI. The future sees an environment where highways have self-driving trucks that carry goods to and from their point of origin. One difference is that in this vision, these trucks are driverless and carry cargo for long or shorter distances without someone behind the wheel. Yes, that is right and it’s no mistake when automated trucks will be without that burly trucker. more
Futurists would like to have a world where everything is done with AI. The future sees an environment where highways have self-driving trucks that carry goods to and from their point of origin. One difference is that in this vision, these trucks are driverless and carry cargo for long or shorter distances without someone behind the wheel. Yes, that is right and it’s no mistake when automated trucks will be without that burly trucker. more
Humanity is one step closer to fully utilizing autonomous vehicles. more
Self-driving vehicles are taking over. more
Based on reports by Designyourworld, the French government has allowed auto manufacturing companies to test drive "self-driving" cars on the public French streets. more
An autonomous platoon of trucks successfully ended an experiment called The European Truck Platooning Challenge. more
Daimler has revealed that it had the opportunity to test drive Mercedes-Benz’s self-driving truck on a highway in southern Germany Friday. more