Big wigs in the government are convinced that gas-guzzlers have to go to hot-foot off the streets permanently. Instead, take advantage of what the government offers in return to buying E-vehicles. Sounds convincing, but there is another side to consider. more
Cars are full of the most advanced High-tech safety features and suites that have been installed. Even entry-level cars are equipped with gizmos that weren’t installed way back! Having Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) in cars now should make them safer than ever. The point of loading up and installing all these gizmos, plus the premium that is paid to ensure 100% safety. more
Mercedes-Benz Self-Driving Cars might end up harming a pedestrian if it ever comes to that but won't let its occupants come into harm's way. more
A fleet of self-driving cars are set to hit the streets of London this summer as the city’s first autonomous vehicles. more