Uber VS. Ford Motors: Who's side are you on? more
Ford had a $1 billion partnership with Argo AI for self-driving technology. This partnership is going to last for five years. more
Ford Shells Out $1 Billion to establish the Argo AI project. This investment includes the development of self-driving cars in a four-year time frame. more
For Motor Co. has expanded its fleet of 10 autonomous Fusion Hybrids by adding 20 more driverless vehicles, making the fleet 30. For Motor Co. is one of the pioneers in the field of developing autonomous cars but with new companies joining the race to the future of auto industry, Ford has to be ahead of them to be the leader. more
Project Titan may cease to even exist at all. It was the "open secret" that used to generate a buzz in both technology and automobile industry. Now it seems that the buzz is fizzling out too early too soon. more