Toddler Saves Man From Overheating Inside Locked Car (VIDEO)

Jul 17, 2014 06:13 PM EDT | Matt Mercuro

A three-year-old saved an elderly man's life in Tennessee this week after he saw the man trapped inside a hot car as the temperatures inside reached over 120 degrees.

While waiting for his wife to come back from an event in Knoxville, TN on July 12, Bob King, 68, found himself trapped in his car after the doors automatically locked. 

"We've been having trouble with the door on this car since we bought it," King said to ABC News.

After going through a number of cancer treatments and suffering from two strokes in the past six months Bob King was described as "in very bad shape" and "could barely see anything" by his wife, Jenny King.

He tried grabbing the door, but he was too weak to push it open. Without a car key, he wasn't able to turn the air conditioning on.

It was approximately 91 degrees outside, and temperature in the car reached 120 degrees, according to ABC News.

King spotted 3-year-old Keith Williams walking past the car, so he knocked on the window a couple of times until Keith stopped.

"I hollered at him and he just looked at me kind of funny and I said 'Get help, get help,'" King said.

Keith's mother, Jessie Williams, taught Keith about hot car safety just days before the incident. The three-foot-tall toddler was not strong enough to open the car door himself, so he ran over to a Pastor, who was volunteering at the benefit event, to get assistance.

"I was talking to someone and little Keith came behind me and kept saying, 'Locked, locked, locked," Pastor Jack Greene said to ABC News.

Greene followed Keith to the car where he was able to get the door open for King. King fell out of the car seat and almost hit his head on the pavement.

"His whole body was raining sweat. His face was red like a pickled beet," Greene said.

After checking with King to see if he wanted an ambulance, Greene brought King inside the church where there was air conditioning. He gave him some water and fanned him until King looked better.

"He (Keith) said: 'I saved life' after I brought Bob inside," Green said. "He is such a good kid. He is an inspiration and blessing to us."

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