2014 International CES: New Electric Formula E Race Car Debuts

Jan 07, 2014 01:54 PM EST | Matt Mercuro

A brand new electric race car designed for the FIA Formula E Championship series debuted in Las Vegas this week, according to the Associated Press.

Formula E CEO Alejandro Agag and Brazilian driver Lucas di Grassi were in attendance when the vehicle was unveiled for the first time.

Grassi helped show off the Spark-Renault SRT-01E race car during a test drive at the Mandalay Bay casino-hotel on Jan. 6.

The debut was timed to coincide with the annual Consumer Electronics Show, which started the same day as the test run in Las Vegas.

Spark Racing Technologies designed the vehicle and claims it can achieve over 150 mph, according to AP.

Formula E is expected to debut this coming September, and will run until June 2015 on street courses in locations around the world like Beijing, Los Angeles, and London.

Each race will be one-hour long, and car batteries are expected to last up to 25 minutes, so drivers will have to switch vehicles during the race while batteries recharge, according to AP.

Oscar-nominee Leonardo DiCaprio said recently that he was planning on getting into the green car racing business, having partnered with Venturi Automobiles to enter a team for the inaugural season.

Teams will have two drivers and will drive in single-seat vehicles during the first season, according to AP.

Renault has already made a deal with Formula E to make race cars, but four to five other manufacturers are expected to join on soon.

Michelin has been signed on to be the tire supplier for Formula E.

Races will be broadcasted live through Fox Sports.

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