Are Electric Vehicles Sustainable Alternatives for the Future?

Nov 21, 2019 11:17 AM EST | Staff Reporter

Electric Vehicles: Are Electric Vehicles Sustainable Alternatives into the Future?
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There is not a nook or cranny that EVs have not gotten into. But, are electric vehicles sustainable alternatives compare to their combustion engine grandparents? Tree huggers rejoice with electric vehicle technology that promises a greener alternative.

More use of electric vehicles is getting popular for automotive consumers. There is not a nook or cranny that EVs have not gotten into. But, are electric vehicles sustainable alternatives compare to their combustion engine grandparents? Tree huggers rejoice with electric vehicle technology that promises a greener alternative. The components and fuel for them at a cost. Zero emissions are better with zero energy costs.

Does it work to offset dirty cars with EVs that are not so clean either? All the negatives shot at non-EVs should be fair. Though proponents of EVs are confident that it will hit pay dirt eventually.

For all the problems that EVs promise to solve, there will be a tradeoff. Factors like how fuel is produced, and how to distribute the power without negative impact. Less carbon emission for sure, but nothing is a sure shot. They forgot to add there will be more cars competing for road space. Congestion in city centers will be close to Armageddon. Bigger parcels of land will be used for roads and parking lots.

If EVs are the total answer to improving problems like less emission and less car use. It might not be happening with the logistical needs of EVs that will cut into public transport and pubic shuttles. Changes are needed to make it truly sustainable without any tradeoff.

A bright side is there is a positive return that is possible for wide EV adoption. This is the vehicle to grid (V2G) option that offers chances for renewables to make EVs green-friendly without cost. It will work by charging at home or outside when needed EV batteries are a useful power source. Shortages will use these power packs to resupply the grid when needed.

 The V2G stratagem will make EVs pay in spades as a clean solution compared to the situation now. Turning the EV into part of a renewable plan should offset the negatives it has. Renting out a battery pack will become a business that has extra income. Why not earn from it? Not viable for places that do not have grids for charging available. Places with more grids need to work out the V2G problem to achieve renewability. No one would not like it when a returned battery which is zero charges.

 One answer is preventing the total discharge of power packs. When linked it will provide more than enough power for the grid. Incorporating options to regulate the system is better. Distribution on the grid will be more efficient during high demand. More will be charged for charging at peak demand when withdrawing power. Other options are solar charging during the daytime. Come night time expect all batteries drained. 

Power from EV batteries is useful for home-based power and storage systems that draw from it. Some companies have serviced homes with smart-heating and at-home battery storage. This saves energy costs for everyone. 

Maybe electric vehicles are sustainable alternatives that are linked to V2X. Still, there are more problems that EVs can work out and balance the negatives out!

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