All their shortcomings are just because of how they are designed. Why smaller cars are not equipped for wintertime is just as important. A humongous SUV is better on several points.
If you live in sunnier climes, getting in your compact or subcompact car will be just great. But, if winter ice and snow are common fare where you live, better pass on that. It is not like denigrating compact sedans or subcompacts because they are small. All their shortcomings are just because of how they are designed. Why smaller cars are not equipped for wintertime is just as important. A humongous SUV is better on several points.
Not everyone can afford an SUV, and they are getting quite pricey with all the trim they got! Now, with subcompacts or compacts that are getting cheaper because of the sale of electric vehicles. Not everyone may agree or not, but these negatives are relevant. If it is the family car on a shoestring budget. Read on and find out more.
1. Shorter stature of compact and subcompacts have less ground clearance.
Most roads in winter have snow, ice, slush, and salt on the road. The under chassis will need more cleaning to get rid of the salt under it. SUVs are higher, so they are less affected b accumulated salt in that area.
2. Shorter cars will have slush and snow sloshing over.
Drivers riding taller SUVs will have less snow, slush, and ice hitting the windshield that affects how far the driver sees. Smaller cars will have everything on the road thrown at them. Keep the wipers and de-icers full come wintertime.
3. They are equipped with front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive, not all-wheel or four-wheel drive gearboxes.
Some argue that AWD and 4WD are not needed, just get good snow or ice tires equipped. But, SUVS with AWD and 4WD have a better chance of getting more grip on an icy road!
4. Safety equipment is not as extravagant compared to other trims.
Many of the fancy driver-assist features are not on them! Stability control, traction, ABS, EBD, Auto Emergency Brake, and BA are not always a set. These features will save everyone in time.
5. The Trunk may not be big enough for a real serious, "we mean business" winter kit!
Smaller trunks with limited space will affect what is included in the winter kit. Having more stuff does make a difference.
6. Tire size will be an issue, compared to bigger cars that get bigger rubber!
Big tires will grip more road than small tires on snow or ice. More grip with traction control and other fancy features will be more stable unless the brakes are jammed on. The bigger tire has more control, less chance of spinning out, and tires spinning.
7. Stock suspension and handling will not be up to par.
The suspension of trucks and SUVS are the best for winter, with good snow radials included! Smaller cars are just basic and suitable for ordinary roads.
All the negatives to consider are all there. It is anyone's option to consider if smaller cars are for them. Most cars are safe until danger comes. Agree or not? Let us know.
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