If you haven’t changed to winter tires already. Equipping snow tires should not wait, or those unfit tires are going to cost more than saved. For overall safety, this winter driving tip is synonymous to “safety”.
If you haven't changed to winter tires already. Equipping snow tires should not wait, or those unfit tires are going to cost more than saved. For overall safety, this winter driving tip is synonymous to "safety". Getting the right shoes on your sedan or SUV is no laughing matter. Worst case scenario is something happening, and it is too late.
1. Equipping your car with the most expensive snow tire is not enough. Speed should be controlled on the road.
Assuming that snow tires will be able to handle most circumstances is wrong. Tires are engineered with materials and tread that have a limit. Even the best tread cannot handle all the slush on the road. Best to keep a slow and steady throttle, but off the cruise control or adaptive cruise control. The sensors might get spoofed and not engage the AEB on time.
2. Replace your summer tires with snow tires or you will be courting fate.
Regular tires are not made for winter driving. Winter driving tires are a different set of specs, with a better grip on snow. Don't expect, other than snow tires, to handle snow-covered roads. Do not cheap out, with ordinary tires. For everyone's safety onboard the vehicle, it is not wise.
3. Always have a tire pressure gauge to check if the pressure is right.
Keep it handy for checking the tire pressure. It would be wise using a portable compression to top up the tire pressure. Maintaining the right pressure not too soft or hard. Cold temperature's effect on the tire pressure cannot be discounted!
4. Always check the pressure all the time. Make sure it has the recommended pressure.
Maintain the recommended pressure for all tires. This will make it last longer without blowouts while on the road. Consult the manufacturer's recommendations on the right pressure.
5. Air temperature affects the pressure in the tires. AT 10 Fahrenheit, the air in tires will lose one PSI.
Make adjustments and remember the loss of 1 PSI if it is cold.
6. Always replace the tires if the treads get worn out. Near bald tires will not have enough traction.
Tire treads that are thin and worn out should be replaced as soon as winter comes. Bald treads will have bad traction and slid on snowy slush.
7. Get a cheap tire with bad performance. Good tires will handle better with grip as well.
Do not go for the cheapest snow tire in the shop. Instead, get the better ones that have better handling specs. Cheaping out on snow tires will be a bad decision be smart!
If snow is forthcoming, then it is time to equip snow tires. Don't wait till it is too late and the worst has come to pass. Better for safety is why this winter driving tip is crucial. An ounce of prevention will be cheaper later on!
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