This Hack Enables Nintendo NES Classic To Play Games From Other Consoles

Feb 11, 2017 11:06 PM EST | Ed Saludes

The NES Classic is a favorite target for hackers who want more from what the retro gaming console offers. After launching in North America in November 2016, the much-sought device has undergone several experiments by innovative gamers including the system's modification to run a custom version of Ubuntu operating system and the expansion of its game library.

This week, YouTube user Soulctcher figured out how to run RetroArch, a computer program that allows players to emulate several classic consoles including the SNES, Game Boy, and Sega Genesis. RetroArch makes it convenient for NES Classic owners to make other consoles' games playable on the NES Mini.

Hacker madmonkey created the RetroArch compile for the hack. The instructions were first made available on Reddit, but they were transferred to another site. Madmonkey's release of RetroArch had shortcuts for NES, SNES and MegaDrive cores. A bash script launches RetroArch with specific core and ROM file.

To use the RetroArch compile, just follow the following instruction. First, extract archive contents to Hakchi 2 folder and agree to replace the init file. Then, copy additional cores to games/CLV-H-RARCH/libretro/core. Next, copy ROMs to games/CLV-H-RARCH/libretro/core.

The proceeding steps involve opening Hakchi2 and enabling RetroArch, cloning and building Haxchi2 from GitHub. It is also important to synchronize by moving RetroArch to the root folder if the custom folders are enabled in the previous step.

In late January, GitHub user ClusterM developed an app called Hakchi2 that allows the console's users to hop from one game to the next in a flash without pressing the reset button. The app offers a shortcut to return to the home screen by pressing the down and select buttons simultaneously.

The update addresses the annoying feature of the console that requires users to push the physical Reset button every time they switch games or load a suspend point. Despite its old charm, the console is a source of annoyance for users who want faster access to their games.

For more your information about the new hack, see the video below. Share your thoughts on the article in the comment section.

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