NES Classic Stock Update: Nintendo Halts Production Of Mini NES?

Jan 07, 2017 09:29 PM EST | Ed Saludes

The craze over the Nintendo NES Classic Edition console is fading. Just like any other hot toys, the euphoria will eventually die out. Consumers will always be on the lookout for new toys or gadgets that they will fancy for the next few weeks or months. The NES Classic stood out in 2016 as one of the must-have toys for gamers and non-gamers alike.

The NES Classic sold almost 200,000 units thirty days after its launch on November 11, 2016, based on data from research firm NPD Group. That translates to almost $12 million sales for Nintendo. Excluded from these figures are the NES Minis that were sold in the black market, which covers online resellers and hoarders.

The NES Mini was re-released by Nintendo last year with the aim of tapping the nostalgia market. The retro gaming console is packed with Nintendo's classic games such as "Super Mario Bros.," "Donkey Kong," and "Punch-Out". Nintendo resurrected the widely popular gaming system to connect 1980s gaming fans with millennials.

The unexpected demand for the NES Classic resulted in scarcity. This high demand forced many to stand in line for hours outside Walmart, BestBuy, and other retailers and to fork out hundreds to thousands of dollars, benefiting hoarders and scalpers.

The U.S. toy industry is worth almost $25 billion, according to the LA Times. To be a breakout toy such as the NES Classic is one big feat. Nintendo was accused by many for purposely holding back the supply of the NES Mini. This strategy aims to drum up attention and incite a potential sales boost.

Whether Nintendo has stopped making the NES Classic or still hiding a gazillion of them in its warehouse remain unanswered. The Japanese gaming giant benefited from the NES Classic fervor by manufacturing scarcity. However, this craze is always short-lived and lasts only for a season. So, which toy will be selling like hotcakes next?

The video below features a crazy line of people outside a Toys R Us store that are waiting for the NES and Hatchimals. Share your thoughts on the article in the comment section.

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