No More Private Cars In The U.S. By 2025, Says Lyft President

Sep 19, 2016 04:50 AM EDT | Eve C.

Lyft president and co-founder John Zimmer predicted that there might be no more car ownership in the United States by 2025. The rise of autonomous cars continues, and it could be the reason why people would shift from owning cars into relying upon self-driving cars offered by ride-hailing companies like Lyft and Uber.

Zimmer expressed his wild guess during a conference last Sunday. According to the company president, his fearless forecast will most likely happen because of the growing demand for autonomous vehicles.

As per Fortune, it could eliminate the need for the public to buy their own car. Instead, they will depend on the new innovative way of transportation.

"As a country, we've long celebrated cars as symbols of freedom and identity," Zimmer wrote in his blog post as well. "But for many people - especially millennials - this doesn't ring true." Additionally, he said that owning a car means another $9000 yearly cost in North America.

Notably, Lyft sealed the deal with General Motors, aiming to produce their own line of self-driving cars. The first one to do this was Uber, who introduced the same recently.

More than that, Google is also carving its way to producing their own car version as well. Currently, the demand for this type of automobile has been popular.

Meanwhile, Tesla CEO Elon Musk thinks the other way. He believes that the public will still buy their own cars and then lease it. So far, the titanic car company has been making the headlines for developing their own set of autonomous electric cars.

We still need to count the years to know if the prediction will come true. But as far as the demand is the concern, the possibility of self-driving cars reigning on the highway is relatively high.

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