Tesla Model X Takes Direct Hit From Yukon SUV 'Detroit Missile':Occupants Come Out Unscathed

Aug 23, 2016 06:50 AM EDT | Sovan Mandal

Orthopaedic surgeon Jonathan Braman who suffered a horrific crash on his Model X is all for praise for the Tesla SUV for saving the life of his family as well as the family pet.

As reported by Electrek, Braman, being an orthopaedic surgeon himself, has extensive experience dealing with neck and spinal injuries arising out of car crashes. Fortunately, he does not have to deal with any of this with any of his family members.

Special mention must be made of Braman's father who was sitting in the front seat and was just inches away from the impact. Also, it is here that the Model X's extensive crumple zones and airbag comes to focus.

Model X has an elaborate array of airbags which when fully deployed converts the interior to a sort of a giant interspersed pillow to cushion its occupants. That includes a leg airbag as well. In fact, the only injury Braman reported is the bruise he suffered on one of his hands from the impact of an airbag getting deployed.

Also, with the front devoid of any engine or supporting gadgetry, there is enough space for crumple zones to be incorporated. That makes the Model X, or for that matter any electric vehicle better suited to absorb the impact of a crash.

The lower center of gravity of the Model X owing to the placement of the batteries along the bottom also helped the SUV to hold on to its ground even after the impact, Gas2 reports. Things could have been worse had the SUV turned turtle or spun over from the impact.

"We are alive. I'm pretty sure any other 7 passenger vehicle would have rolled if hit by this distracted Detroit Missile," said Braman.

The incident occurred at an intersection in Bloomington when a huge GMC Yukon jumped the red lights and ploughed along the front right corner of the Model X.

Braman who already own a Tesla Roadster said he would have none other than a Tesla car to ensure complete protection for his family. He said he has waited four years for his Model X and is ready to wait another four years if needed for his next Model X but won't opt for any other car. Fortunately for Braman, Model X has a much shorter waiting period of just about 3 months at the moment.

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